Základné informácie
Úžitková plocha:
1,895 ft2
Premium view
Počet parkovacích stojísk:
Priestor na grilovanie
Detské zariadenia
Detské ihrisko
Usporiadané územie
Spoločná telocvičňa
Výhľad na orientačný bod
Lokality v okolí
Možnosti platby
Splátka | Suma (:mena) |
20% immediate deposit | 845,400 |
5% within 3 months of sale date | 211,350 |
5% within 6 months of sale date | 211,350 |
5% within 9 months of sale date | 211,350 |
5% within 12 months of sale date | 211,350 |
4% within 15 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 18 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 21 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 24 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 27 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 30 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 33 months of sale date | 169,080 |
4% within 36 months of sale date | 169,080 |
3% within 38 months of sale date | 126,810 |
3% within 42 months of sale date | 126,810 |
3% within 45 months of sale date | 126,810 |
3% on 70% of building completion | 126,810 |
3% on 80% of building completion | 126,810 |
3% on 90% of building completion | 126,810 |
10% on completion | 422,700 |